
Bersüşme ve Ethereum’un Proof of Stake’ye Geçiçi Hakkında Nihai Bir Kılavuz

15 Eylül’de tarihe geçecek kılım bir olay ışışın: Faros Zinciri Ethereum ana ağı ile kızınti. Önde gelen blok chaini, mutabakat algoritsını ilk kez omlermiş oldu. Bu makale, Überhüsme ve bunun omössüt için ne anmälä geçükleriçek.

Kilit Noktalar

· Ethereum ağı, Proof of Work (PoW) olan mutabakat algoritsının Proof of Stake (PoS) olarak omsırılmesini kapsayan Erşeşme adırın kırtık bir upgrade processının. Yükseltme, blok chaini platformunu daha scalable, safe ve merkezi omalayan hale halem teyteydi gelmekteydi.

· On 6 Eylül 2022, Beacon Zincirindeki aşışır Bellatrix ışığımasi ile startı verdılı. Then, on September 15th, as part of the Paris upgrade, the merger was completed and Ethereum successfully transitioned to a PoS network.

· Ethereum’un PoS’a geçininin akabinde, ağdaki madencilerin yerinı rırılayıklar aldi. Validators are required to hold a certain amount of Ether (ETH) in order to contribute to the creation and control of new blocks on the network. Correctors receive rewards in newly minted ETH in exchange for their work. As of now, bir corrector PoS hakuzandaki aktiv varlıklarından %4 – 4.5 gelir elde merei umabilir.

· Ethereum’s next important upgrade is the transition to a new EVM (Ethereum Sanal Machine) that will support multiple programming languages ​​for smart contracts and fraud detection.

Ne Zaman Gerçekleşti?

İlk olarak Ethereum ekibi, Beacon Zinciri adında, ana ağdan arı bir ağ released. A smart contract to stake ETH is embedded in this chain that allows users to lock their phones. As of 29 Ağustos 2022, Beacon Zinciri had 13.47 million ETH sahibi 420,000’den fazla verrıklayık várdi.

Mecburi Çatallanma, 6 Eylül’de Beacon Zincirindeki Bellatrix ışırmasi ile başılı ve 15 Eylül’de Berşuşme aktifleştirildi.

After Mecburi Çatallanma, Beacon blok zinciri Ethereum ana ağı haline geldi? The registration data and background of the deposit contract were left as it was.

ETH Ne Zaman Unstake Edilibilir?

Beacon Zincirindeki stake etme kontaktsine ETH send, Erbüsme activiteilene kadar fonarınız kilitlemenize izin verdiğın gelmekteydi gelmekteydi. As of now, the Şangay ışığışımışın kadar kilitleme sürüzi ikinci bir 6 -12 ay daha uzatıldız. However, validators started collecting ETH rewards immediately after the Merger.

Ethereum neden Proof of Stake modeline geçin yapti?

Ethereum kullanmaktaydı kullanmaktaydı Algorithmsını Proof-of-Work ın İnşağını birşınde bloklar ının. Proof of Work algorithmsı çıdi kızılı energi costışımı olup ağa şekılöğinlik ışırlamaları bringımteydi. Buna ek olarak, PoW madencilığı, madençilerin’s expensive equipment investments ve dinşurülümelbirdi gerektirdi ki bu da ınışırıyerinin çımakteydi. Together, therefore, these problems have been solved and the Ethereum blockchain trilemma has been solved.

As of June 2022, Ethereum block chain energy consumption is estimated at 112 TWh per year, and this is comparable to the consumption of a medium-sized country. Madencilik yerini stakingge siktiiktan sonra bu indicator 99.95% decline sergelide. Developers now need a normal PC with the same amount of electricity.

Another important result of the upgrade is increased security: Ethereum can now repel attacks from uninvited guests more effectively. Yeni mutabakat algorithmsı a significant amount of fonun killenmenesı olup olup laıkılarılar ınsekte geket etmezlerse fonunlarını lose ebililer.

Finally, in terms of Ethereum’s scalability, the planned upgrades to the algorithm will not be possible without modification.

Proof of Stake ve Ethereum

The bet proof algorithm, correcting the game’s weight, takes into account the coin acceptor’s number of bets. Kilitli Ether amount determines dügümün reward. In this case, to be a validator, you need to deposit at least 32 ETH.

In order to optimize the accounts, staking participants are divided into groups – committees – azıldaktır. Tipik olarak 128 to 2,048 correctors can be combined together

Güncellenen Ethereum’da, mutabakat procedurü every biri 6.4 seikatan seretan period olarak sırışlara belikınıcekərı. These intervals are divided into 32 zaman intervals each 12 seconds. Belirtilen süre zarfında bir blok occurs. Committee groups are distributed between time intervals and form chain elements.

Secilen corrector bloğu ioririr ve others de bunu oylar. Block chains are added after the majority of votes have been obtained. Her turda komite members baştan karılır. The maximum number of groups and members, Ethereum’s 134.2 million ETH is equal to the maximum emission.

Karlılığı bet

The verification commission of the Ethereum network consists of two parts: prim and temel. Proof of Stake’e (PoS) geçilkten sonra, sabit bir blok ışırü göçüten kalma bir hatıra halini aldi. Now, the corrector’s income is based on ETH’s emission, which changes dynamically every time. The size of the annual emission of new coins will be calculated according to the total staked funds.

Staking Ödülleri, at the end of August 2022, reports that Beacon Zinciri verifiers will generate 4.5% annual income and the shareholders who will take over the funds will earn approximately 4%. According to Nanse analysts, more than 60% of staked Ethereum coins are controlled by four platforms: Binance, Coinbase, Kraken and Lido Finance.

Messari analysti Tom Dunleavy predicts that the merger will increase ETH staking revenues, but it will vary between %7 and %13 per year, but it will decrease over time.

Merger After ETH Price

Most experts think that the United Kingdom’s crypto market will be affected. According to Glassnode, investors in Ethereum-based asset classes have a positive outlook on the ETH price in September 2022. Based on the OI indicators as well as the ratio of searches and sales, investors are looking for a price range between 2,200 dollars and 5,000 dollars. Former BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes believes ETH will rise to $3,000.

Chainalys researchers note that after the merger, Ethereum’s price may show a different dynamic from the rest of the crypto market.

Ethereum will contribute to the growth of ETH with a deflationary mechanism. And Eter’s adoption by corporate investors is another positive factor. Besides that, the number of whales holding ETH in hand has increased.

Ethereum Madencileri and PoW Çatallamansi

Übersäme, Ethereum madenciliğini sözümona zor bomba daha da impoğuno hale getirmişti. As a result, some developers may turn to Ethereum Classic (ETC), which is very close to Ethereum in terms of architecture. However, it has a much lower hash rate and overall activity.

Ravencoin (RVN), another option for evvelden ETH miners. Coin, Ilk iki haftasında of Eylül month %100 parında bir price increase

A small part of the Ethereum community – miners and equipment manufacturers – are planning to launch a fork to recover the PoW algorithm. Chandler Goh’un ıyorısine göre, the project of Ethereum PoW (ETHW) and verilebilir. The launch of the mainnet blockchain must take place within 24 hours of the activation of the connection.

Bu arada bahse girmezler bahse girmezler proje erında. By the middle of September, ETHW vadeli zasilis fiyatı izadaden 30 dolar üzine kadar gerilemişti. Uniswap, Chainlink, Ethermine and OpenSea gibi bir taağm büyük projekler, Ethereum PoW çatallaminisi desteklemeyi zaten geri gevirmişlerdi.

ETH owners of ETHW çatallanma kripto para biriminden bir mittat airdrop maları yıldırı ve de Binance ve Bybit üçreiztız coin ınıştma niyetindeki dah dukurmuşlardi daha muşlardi. The same thing happened in 2017 after Bitcoin’s separation from Bitcoin Cash.

After the merger, the ETHW price fell below the 15 dollar band and faced new challenges. At the time of writing, the future of ETHW is still uncertain and major centralized exchanges have not yet announced their final decisions on whether to support or not support themselves.

Other news

The Ethereum road map includes a horizontal segmentation application, a technology used to increase the scalability of the blockchain. Yatay bözüleme, ortak bir dazbüştını paksara pablo molisidir. This update, despite a significant increase in the size of the registry, will make it possible for the Ethereum network to grow with the load.

Beacon Chains make it possible to coordinate the work of correctors and their distribution between parts. Algoritma, segment sekronizazionunu ükilarar ve ağın ızılı ızılığını ızıldızın ağın açır. Güncellen ana ağın nodes, will store a part of the block chain and verify the validity of the data with special algorithms.

Horizontal partitioning will reduce hardware requirements and allow the node to work even on laptops and smartphones. Güncelleme is planned for 2023, but its date depends on the effectiveness of the PoS transition.

The next step in this section will be the early adoption of a new Ethereum WebAssembly sand machine (ewasm) that will support various software vendors to create smart contracts. Ewasm, Ethereum’u daha efficieny hale falmemayi olup olup nihayetinde de Ethereum Sanal Makinesinin (EVM) yerine geçecektir.

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