
Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 18 Recipients

Web3 Foundation

We are pleased to announce the 18th Wave of grants accepted through the Web3 Foundation Grants Program. As part of our commitment to fostering a strong and innovative Web 3.0 ecosystem, we have approved 36 grants in this Wave, totaling ~780,000 USD. A special note of gratitude to all the teams and individuals whose ceaseless efforts and creativity make the future of a decentralized web more promising.

Wave 18 comes with many groundbreaking projects, with a significant focus on smart tooling and contract implementation. The growing interest in this area reflects the growing maturity and improvement of the tool, making it increasingly accessible and more powerful for developers. As such, we’ve seen an explosion in grants related to the smart contract field, both in the contracts themselves and in building contract tooling that enables a better developer experience. We have also seen a significant number of grant proposals coming in as a response RFP.

We maintain a list of all accepted applications in our grant repository herebut for a better reading experience feel free to head over to ours Web based UI Instead.

Below are all 36 Wave 18 grantees.

Web3 Labs Ltd: Sirato (Continent) Substrate Explorer — Phase III

Wunderbar Network: Vue.js + Substrate TypeScript Front-End Template

Profond.ai: Profond

Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Sponsors webapp

Zaniyar Jahany: Grantmaster

FiDi Tech: FiDi DotSight: Analytics Data Platform for DotSama

Colorful Concept: In-depth account insights at three levels

Davanti: Dot-ETL Project

Valletech AB: DINFRA

Ed Anderson: Blockchainia

Societal Labs Ltd.: Societal SaaS Pricing

Ideal Labs: Cryptex

Xcavate: Real Estate Focused Asset Lending and Cutting Protocol

Dastanbek Samatov: ISO-8553 PoC implementation

Eiger: Substrate movement system pallet, pt. 1

Galaxy.Do: Galaxy: 3D Web for Polkadot users

Collective Intelligence Labs: Omnichain Infrastructure

727. arguments: Prostate

CoinFabrik: ScoutCoinFabrik: Milestone 2

Talentica software: Implementation Benchmark Milestone 3

Deep Ink Ventures GmbH: Stylograph

Ziv: Ink Playground IDE Improvements

Gloslab: Proposal for a contract performance measurement tool


Antier Solutions: RFP/securityMarketPlace

SO/DA zone: Ocelloids Monitoring SDK Grant Application

Syncra: No Code DAO Maker, ZK Powered Pvt. Voting solution

DAuth: DAuth

TradeLink: Sandox

Supercomputing Systems AG: SARP — Static Analysis Tool for Runtime Palettes

Nikita Orlov PR: Chat based bot with faucet

P2P.ORG: Validator monitoring service

ParaSpell: LightSpell: XCM API

Scio Labs: XCM Domain Name Service

Interstellar: Interstellar — Wallet Phase 2

Polytope Laboratories: Interoperable State Machine Protocol

It’s encouraging to see the diversity of projects contributing to various layers of the open source Web 3.0 technology stack. These efforts, supported through the grant program, other public funding sources, or self-funded, demonstrate a collective passion for the advancement of Web 3.0 technologies.

As the Web 3.0 ecosystem expands and evolves, we continue to welcome new proposals. Applying for a W3F grant is as simple as submitting a pull request to ours grant program repository. For inspiration, an overview of projects in the ecosystem and broad ideas of projects we are interested in funding, you can take a look at open source technology stack.

The best way to get your proposal accepted is to design a comprehensive roadmap. Moving on our instructionsAs well as application templateit will give you a general idea of ​​what we look for in a grant application.

For more information on how to apply and tips on creating a great application, see READ and Frequent questions in the grant program repository on GitHub. We look forward to receiving your application!

The grant program aims to be as open and accessible as possible. If you are interested in contributing or getting involved, there are several ways you can do so:

  • We are open to third party milestone assessments. If you are particularly interested in a particular project or have special knowledge on a related topic, submit your own review.
  • We encourage anyone to submit Request for Proposals (RFPs). If you find something missing in our ecosystem (a tool, project, infrastructure, etc.) that we could help fund, please submit an RFP.
  • Come with us! We are currently looking for one Site Reliability Engineer to participate full-time. See all of us current jobs and apply!

We strive to continue to improve the grant program and are always open to feedback. If you want to share any suggestion or review, please contact us Github the Element!

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