
Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave 19 Recipients

Web3 Foundation

We are excited to announce the completion of Wave 19 of the Web3 Foundation Grants Program! In this wave, we have approved 33 grants totaling over $1.1 million in funding. This wave has been particularly busy: we received a total of 100 applications in the last quarter, the most in more than two years. During this time, we also signed our 600th grant and processed our 1000th milestone. The continued growth and strength of the Polkadot developer community, now the second largest globally after Ethereum, it is a testament to the remarkable passion and innovation of the teams building this ecosystem. The Grants Program has played an important role in empowering these groups and attracting new developers, helping to make Polkadot’s community one of the most vibrant in the Web 3.0 space today. We continue to be amazed by the projects contributing to the Polkadot technology stack and are committed to supporting the next wave of innovation through our accessible, transparent and open grant program.

A trend that stands out for this wave is the number of tool grants aimed at improving the capabilities of smart contracts. A vanity! smart contracts on Polkadot gain further traction, we are seeing increased interest in building developer tools for faster and safer contract development. More specifically, these grants focus on testing, analyzing, and improving the developer experience when interacting with Ink! smart contracts. Another trend we are seeing is projects involving data analysis, as described in Data Analysis Tools and Analytics Platform RFPs, which are currently being processed by 3 different teams.

We also signed several grants related to core Polkadot infrastructure such as wallets, chains, and pallets. It’s great to see the continued improvement of fundamentals that will benefit the entire ecosystem.

Similar to the previous wave, we have seen an impressive number of grant proposals coming in as a response to RFP (Request for Proposals). The RFP list is constantly evolving and we are always open to new proposals. Some topics we are currently interested in include official verification, anti-collusion mechanisms, cross-chain messaging, and account security.

We maintain a list of all accepted applications in our grant repository herebut for a better reading experience feel free to head over to ours Web based UI Instead.

Below are all 33 Wave 19 grantees.

Justmert: DOTLY: Revolutionizing Polkadot Account Statistics
TPScore: TPScore
Stake Plus Inc: Treasury Tracker
MOBR systems: Polkadot Analytics Platform
Infra3: Hyperdot — Powerful data analysis and generation platform
Liisa: Polkadot NFT Portfolio Tracker
Decentralization: XCMSend
Elastic: Elastic

ZeroDAO: Melodot
Centrifugal: Automated On-Chain Inventory Management
ISLAND DAO: Iceland Docsig
Eiger: Polkadot storage solution
Myriad Systems LTD.: Myriad Social
Eiger: Substrate Moving System Palette (Part 2)
Off Narrative Labs: Parachain Tuxedo
Open the Smart Contract: ISO20022 PoC

Protofire: Contract Wizard
NeoPower Digital: Roloi — XCM Payment Automation
DAO token: DAO token

SO/DA zone: Ocelloids XCM Transfer Tracking Service
Coong Crafts: DelightfulDOT
Starks: XCM tool for NFT
ChainSafe: Snap Polkadot Maintenance
Federico Cicciarella: Tracking chain
Salaheldin Soliman: Solang Playground
CoinFabrik: CoinFabrik On Ink Integration Tests
David Semakula: ink! analyst (phase 2)
Zondax AG: Polkadot PoC Compliance Tests
Jonathan Brown: Hybrid Explorer Phase 2

Moonsong Labs: StorageHub

Orochi Network: ECDSA MPC Research and Development
PolyCrypt GmbH: Distributed Cryptography for Polkadot Wallets
Tesseract: Native mobile dApps/Wallet integration libraries

As the Web 3.0 ecosystem expands and evolves, we continue to welcome new proposals. Applying for a W3F grant is as simple as submitting a pull request to ours grant program repository. For inspiration, an overview of projects in the ecosystem and broad ideas of projects we are interested in funding, you can take a look at open source technology stack.

The best way to get your proposal accepted is to design a comprehensive roadmap. Moving on our instructionsAs well as application templateit will give you a general idea of ​​what we look for in a grant application.

If you are not sure if the Grants Program is right for you or if other native ecosystem programs might be a better fit, you can watch our conversation on how to Fund your project, that we gave last month in collaboration with SBP in the Sub0 2023the Polkadot Developer Conference — covers all aspects of getting funding and support in the Polkadot ecosystem.

For more information on how to apply and tips on creating a great application, see READ and Frequent questions in the grant program repository on GitHub. We look forward to receiving your application!

The grant program aims to be as open and accessible as possible. If you are interested in contributing or getting involved, there are several ways you can do so:

  • We are open to third party milestone assessments. If you are particularly interested in a particular project or have special knowledge on a related topic, submit your own review.
  • We encourage anyone to submit Request for Proposals (RFPs). If you find something missing in our ecosystem (a tool, project, infrastructure, etc.) that we could help fund, please submit an RFP.
  • Come with us! We are currently looking for one Site Reliability Engineer to participate full-time. See all of us current jobs and apply!

We strive to continue to improve the grant program and are always open to feedback. If you want to share any suggestion or review, please contact us Github the Element!

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